Monday 24 June 2013

The Justification Of Actions


First of all, due to this haze, I'm sick and I missed my class which sucks. Honestly I didn't want to miss anymore classes after the end of my theater, but circumstances prevented me from keeping my word to myself. However, is being sick really a valid reason anymore to skip class, I wonder. Really think about it now.

In school we skip class cause in our immature little minds, we feel that school is useless and half the time we don't know what the hell is supposed to be done. Growing up teaches us independence and how to survive in life. Entering now university life, where we ourselves are responsible for our own future and no longer our parents, could you really risk not going to class? And the reason I use risk is because the classes we attend symbolizes how we may handle ourselves in the working world. In simpler terms, now that I am responsible for my own actions and my own future, is this really a valid reason for me to do something stupid (in this case I'm referring to skipping class) and subsequently jeopardizing my own future with my stupid actions?

Which brings us to justifying our actions or, as I like to call it, paraphrasing our actions to make it seem like what we did is actually okay. I missed my classes today and I feel horrible cause I don't want to miss anything. However, I am sick, and technically, even if I went to class today, could I really give my full attention? Hence, there's no point of me going to class anyway if I am sick right? Somehow I feel like no. This is the same as: I was hanging out with my friends last night until 4 in the morning despite knowing I have class at 8. Yet, I keep telling myself, it's okay, I can wake up tomorrow morning. Then morning comes and you tell yourself, I'm sleepy as hell. Even if I do go to class, I might end up sleeping and so there is no point going if I am going to sleep anyway. Similar no?

We know deep down what is right and what is wrong. Yet we keep coming up with a million excuses to make ourselves feel better about the choices we make. The validity of the reasons you make up for yourselves maybe convincing to others, but can you convince yourself? I am not convinced that skipping class today due to a mild sickness is a valid reason despite how many reasons I keep coming up with.

Shit, I hate growing up

Tu je, bye~

Sunday 16 June 2013

Post Festival Theatre Perak

Hey everyone. Let me start off by saying, babi lama sial aku tak update bende ni. But in my defence aku super duper keduper busy these past few weeks. Like terlampau busy. Having to maneuver in between classes and assignments and training and bla bla bla you don't want to hear that anyway and aku pun malas nak cerita.

No, the point of this post is to rant about the recent events of Festival Theatre Perak (FTP) whereby our theatre group Tronoh Theatre Shop (TTS) took part. Let me begin by saying I regret nothing. We worked our ass off. So what if we didn't win? We still bagged two awards. And it's a pretty big deal for me too because

  1. It's the first time aku masuk show sebesar macam ni
  2. It's the first time aku dapat watak besar daripada biasa (also the 3rd time aku dapat watak lelaki. EH?)
 I'm not saying that we should have won (and based on our previous track records, honestly I wasn't keeping high hopes) or that we are the best team ever, or that the judges tak suka our play ke apa. These things are very subjective. As long as we put on a good show and the people enjoyed it, I guess I could live with that. Although it would be pretty cool if we did win though. Just sayin.

Anywho, the experience was good and after a brief moment of contemplation and depression I thought, SCREW IT. We did our best, we learned a lot and we had fun. So as bloody corny as this may sound, we are all winners (that sounded waaaaaay worst than I expected) But you get my drift. With that being said, Let's get ready for our KL show. To quote Seether and Amy Lee "The worst is over now, and we can breathe again"

Before I return to the reality of studying and books and assignments, here's a little promo of our show in KL. Do come :)

Ok tu je