Monday 13 May 2013

Don't Hug Me I'm Scared

Hello everybody! Its that time again where we review yet another weird Youtube video. So as per-normal, tengok la video ni dulu

(Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)

Alright, bagi yang malas nak tengok, basically video ni at first nampak cam something innocent and kononnnye its something for children. But then as the song progresses, it gets a bit...err...creepy. Actually a bit too creepy. Mungkin tu la sebab dia namakan the video Don't Hug Me I'm Scared? (Takde kaitan pun) Anyway, current video views: 4million ++. Basically it starts off with three characters in costume yang tengah duduk senyap-senyap and look bored and suddenly a singing notepad is singing to them about getting creative. Tapi as the song goes on, the definition of "creative" gets more and more weirder. Like tiba-tiba ada a human heart and they're head banging and suddenly ada something about death. Babi cuak sial part last-last tu.

The video was uploaded on the 29th of July 2011. The name of the company who created the video is called "This is it" and their youtube videos are uploaded with the username "thisisitcollective". And actually diorang ada one other video on their channel yang bernama "Bad Things That Could Happen" which is not that creepy. Actually tak creepy langsung pun (aku actually expected that other video to be creepy too tapi nothing happened). The funny thing is kan, this video was featured in some festivals worldwide like Sundance and Los Angeles Film Festival. Tapi apalah masalah diorang ni gi tunjuk video creepy camni kat festival camtu.

So this creepy video was directed by some mat sallehs yang bernama Becky Sloan, Joseph Pelling and Baker Terry. Tapi yang Becky and Joseph tu ada website diorang sendiri where they directed other videos. According to the directors, awal-awal video ni the puppets were silent sebab diorang tak "creative". Pastu bila the notepad tu start nyanyi baru diorang start jadi creative. Kononnye the message is without creativity we are silent and boring...or something like that la.

So banyak orang (aku pun) actually get freaked out masa part diorang start jadi gila part last-last tu and banyak orang actually start getting scared. Aku pun tak tahu asal. For me it was because it looked so innocent and non-threatening and suddenly jadi hardcore and killing and human hearts and death. Dia macam kalau kau tengok and innocent budak kecik bunuh orang la. Scary shit.

Tapi tu aku je la. Aku memang senang kene takut pun, eheh.

Ok tu je. Bye

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