Monday 15 July 2013

Of Ramadhan and Ukuleles

Hello, and selamat berpuasa to all my muslim brothers and sisters and mothers and fathers and grandmothers and aunty and uncle (you get the point)

Anywho, pejam kelip pejam kelip dah bulan Ramadhan dah (since last week Rabu, and baru nak post something Ramadhan-ish now. Sorry cek busy sikit haaa) This would be my second time puasa-ing at UTP and honestly, tak rasa beza mana pun. It feels like a normal day, except I'm more hungry and thirsty than usual. And to make matters worst, setiap kali dah dekat dengan buka, mesti bersepah gambar #foodporn kat instagram la, twitter la Facebook la. So sorry in advance if I'm a bit cranky due to deprivation of food and water. But besides the normal hunger and thirst, This holy month has been good so far (then again tak sampai lagi pun the 10 day mark of puasa) InsyaAllah my puasa akan full this Ramadhan and many Ramadhans to come.

Side story, sejak aku lepak ngan Gummy and Ermie and Rafiq, aku makin jealous tengok diorang sebab diorang sangatlah musically talented. Until one day aku buka puasa kat rumah Ermie and he thought me how to play the Ukulele and I got hooked. Seriously, this thing is like weed. I can't stop playing. I was so in love with it, that I paksa Gummy (accompanied by Tera and Sara) to teman me buy my very own Ukulele.

(Introducing, Ermie, my new ukulele baby. And no it's not creepy at all that I named it after Ermie)

And I feel so happy that I can play another instrument aside from the piano (not really). Also it's a great distraction from my hunger and thirst during this fasting month so no, aku tak rasa bazir langsung beli this ukulele (for now). Anyway happy puasa everyone. Let's make the most of this holy month. Also, side, side story, aku dah boleh main lagu suasana di hari raya (well almost. I just have to get the "wajik dan dodol" part right)

tu je

k bye

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