Saturday 27 July 2013



Almost every Ramadhan, my ex-schoolmates akan organize sesi buka puasa ramai-ramai. Ever since aku duduk UTP, it's been getting harder and harder for me to come back and join any of these events. But this year (after much fighting with myself and contemplating on if I should go or not) I decided to travel all the way back to KL just to buka puasa with my friends. Tak kisah sekjap ke apa, as long as dapat jumpa diorang. So accompanying me on my day trip back was Gummy, Somy and Sara.

So fast forward to KL, aku dapat jumpa everyone and it was a mixture of feelings. Mainly sebab ada a lot of us, and all from different cliques masa kat sekolah dulu. There were even people yang 3 tahun lebih dah tak jumpa and suddenly jumpa that night. Needless to say semua orang reminisced about the good old days, the bad memories, new gossips, etc etc. And as much  fun as it was, my time was limited with diorang, sebab I had to make my way back to UTP that night jugak. I didn't tell them in the beginning that I came back just for that buka puasa (mainly because I didn't think it was a big deal) but when they found out, diorang macam gave me gas money and duit tol for the way back. I honestly didn't want to accept it (sebab it was a lot) but they insisted. And at that moment it hit me.

Dulu these were the same people yang I could consider aku tak suka sangat pun. Some of them there last night aku pernah benci gila time sekolah dulu. Some of them aku rasa annoyed gila time sekolah dulu. And some of them there, aku memang taknak borak with them at all pun. But that gesture of offering to pay for my gas and tol that night macam made me feel loved. It was as though despite every hate moment or negative feelings I had with any of them dulu suddenly didn't matter cause in the end macam everyone still anggap everyone as their friends. Despite the distance and years, I think that was the night I loved my ex-schoolmates even more. And it was all because of a small gesture.

So from the bottom of my heart, thanks guys. We got home safely, and thank you for everything. I literally almost cried on my drive back.

Ok tu je

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