Thursday 22 November 2012

Analisa Makanan #2 : Hardcore Burger

Mai mai mai, Kipas susah mati Burger Bakar semua mai!!! (hahahah lama sial tak guna kipas susah mati. Sangat zaman Gempak Starz). Anyway, malam ni aku nak cakap pasal makanan. More specifically, HARDCORE BURGER!!!! (it's so hardcore, I have to write it in red). So what is Hardcore Burger? It's one of the many burger bakars located in TTDI. Apparently, time puasa diorang ada jual kat bazaar TTDI tapi aku tak pernah perasan la. Tu pun aku tahu sebab terbaca kat blog orang lain. Anyway, now Hardcore Burger is located in front of Homst TTDI at the turning tu. Memang dia letak sign Hardcore Burger besar-besar so senang nak carik.

(This is the guy that makes the burgers. Ni gambar time diorang jual time puasa kalau tak silap aku)

Tapi what makes Hardcore Burger special? Diorang prepare everything from scratch. Which I guess is the reason kene tunggu lama sikit for the burger tapi I swear it's totally worth the wait. Another thing yang aku suka pasal diorang nye burger is that diorang sangat generous with servings. Patty dia tebal, mushroom and bacon and sauce and mayo and cheese dia bagi banyak so it's also worth your money, sayur dia pun dia bagi sikit (sebab aku tak makan sayur sangat pun eheh). The burgers are roughly belas-belas in price but then again, burger dia sedap and juicy and serving dia banyak. So macam it's totally worth it. Tadi I told him to recommend me a burger and he recommended the Atomic Burger. In short, patty dia tebal, ada bacon, ada mushrooms, ada tomato and sayur apa entah yang aku tak makan, and sauce dia, which in my opinion, sedap! Aku tak tahu la dia guna sauce apa time tu tapi it was amazballs. Burger dia besar tahap you have to take it apart before you can actually eat it. Another burger yang aku try hari tu was lamb...something (sorry tak ingat nama) tapi basically burger dia, dia tak guna patty, instead the lamb yang diorang guna tu diorang slice the lamb banyak-banyak in replacement of the patty. Yang tu pun sedap gak for all you lamb lovers. 

The burgers memang worth the try and I'm hoping to go back to try the other burgers. The only downside is Aku tak sure bila je diorang bukak. Most of the time aku pergi time malam. Ada orang cakap diorang jual on weekdays je la. Tapi ada some nights aku pergi tak bukak pulak. Tapi baru-baru ni senang sikit nak carik la. Kalau tak dulu that one time aku pergi, thursday night sampai sunday night, setiap malam aku lalu tempat tu diorang takde. Tapi that's the only downside la, schedule diorang tak tetap, tapi aku rasa and harap diorang dah ada a fixed schedule sebab the thing is the burgers are good tapi susah nak catch diorang.

Anyway, bawah ni gambar menu diorang, tapi aku tak sure if this is the updated menu ke apa but it was the one on their FB page. Tapi time aku beli tadi menu diorang lain? Oh well. 

(tapi in this menu takde the atomic burger pun? Ke diorang tak update bende ni?)

(The Hardcore Burger. In short, 2 patties, egg, mushroom, sauce, unimportant veggies, cheese)

Anyway, it's totally worth a try and for the price your paying, you get a lot. In conclusion and total honesty :

Dia mahal sikit


Dia Banyak

I Like :)

Enough said

Happy eating everyone. Majulah Burger Bakar untuk negara.

(Side note: everyone has different opinions and different taste. This is simply mine)

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