Tuesday 27 November 2012

Analisa Movie : Paranormal Activity 4 and Sinister (Spoiler Alert)

Haaaaa, malam ni aku nak cakap pasal cerita hantu yang bagi aku, agak disappointing. Let's start with Paranormal Activity 4 (PA4). By now, aku rasa everyone dah tahu the PA franchise pasal apa kot. Basically all the PA movies is about this family yang kene kacau dengan hantu so every night the main character akan pasang camera in his house to record all the paranormal activities yang happen in the house. Thus the name Paranormal Activity.  But this time, in PA4, the main character pasang all the cameras via her webcam (and for some reason dia tak pernah nak playback all the footage yang dia tangkap the night before)

(That's the main character, tak ingat nama. And blakang dia is a ghost)

(Oh, here's another fun fact. Some parts in the trailer, didn't happen in the movie. Bodoh tak?)

Firstly, aku dah lah tak suka the PA series sebab lama gila before something happens. Ok part yang terkejut memang terkejut. Tapi the progression of the movie slow gila. And then, in the movie dia akan tunjuk what happens in the first night, second night, third night so on. And obviously almost nothing happens in the first few nights, tapi kau duduk depan screen, looking around waiting for something to happen macam orang bodoh. Tapi when something actually happens, kau macam, ngeh. Tapi in PA4, slow sangat the progression of the movie. And then part yang patutnye takut, aku rasa macam nak gelak pun ada suddenly. I mean there was only one part in the whole movie yang aku betul-betul terkejut. But the ending made no sense AT ALL. Sebab aku bengang, aku nak spoilkan jugak ending dia. Suddenly ada zombies in the movie. I mean like why??? Takde connection at all. And this main character pun bodoh jugak. Dah pasang the cameras all around the house, tapi early in the movies je dia playback the footage. Towards the end dia tak tengok balik pun the videos. I mean what's the point kau set up all those camera's then? Also, aku tak faham kenapa the hantu lady kene kill her whole family and her boyfriend. The only upside to the movie is that the main actress dalam movie ni lawa gila.

To sum it up, tak banyak explanation, slow progression of the movie, last 10 minutes baru boleh start rasa takut (tu pun takut sikit je), ending bodoh. Baik tengok Casper the Friendly Ghost je camtu. Kalau dah bosan sangat takde movie lain nak tengok, then baru tengok movie ni. Seriously, unless you follow the PA franchise, this movie is just a waste of time.

Next, lets talk about Sinister. Okay this one aku serious excited nak tengok sebab trailer dia sumpah super scary buat aku nak terjerit macam perempuan. You don't believe me?

(Scary shit trailer dia)

Tapi that's the thing about trailers, takleh nak percaya sangat. In all honesty, movie dia average bagi aku. Here's why : part yang terkejut and part yang scary sumpah scary gila. And part terkejut dia lagi la tak boleh bla. The thing yang jadi tak bestnye is that, bila the movie dah build up like this, kau expect ending dia ada some kind of unexpected twist or something. Tapi towards the end, kau dah boleh expect dah what's going to happen next. Bagi aku la, awal-awal tu aku dah takut gila dah, and then aku dah boleh expect ending macam mana, tapi aku harap la ada some kind of twist or something in the end, but no. The ending was expected. Part horror dia sumpah horror, tapi the story line a bit disappointing for me. Maybe sebab aku dah tengok trailer dia, expectation aku dah tinggi kot? But still, nak compare dengan PA4, Sinister jauh lagi scary la. Part yang terkejut dia, sumpah kau takkan expect.

In conclusion : Not bad, but not wow either. Tengok if you have the time la. Or better yet, tengok alone dalam gelap if you have the balls. Time aku tengok, patutnye dengan membe aku. Tapi towards the end diorang dah tidur and end up aku tengok sesorang. Aku jerit macam betina malam tu. Eheh.

So, that's my comment on these two movies. Satu bazir masa kalau tengok, lagi satu tengok pun takpe, kalau tak tengok pun takpe.

Sweet dreams everyone. Muahahahahahaahah!!!!! *evil laughter*

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