Wednesday 28 November 2012

Stupid Songs

Lagu-lagu sekarang sangat bodoh. Aku tak cakap pasal the songs on the radio tau (even though ada je lagu bodoh on the radio) I'm talking about the songs on youtube. Semalam aku baru terjumpa a new addition to the golongan lagu-lagu bodoh. But before that, jom review lagu-lagu bodoh before this. It all started with, none other than, Friday - Rebecca Black. Impossible jugak la kalau orang tak pernah dengar lagu dia by now.

(Currently 44 plus plus million views, 800k plus dislikes, 200k plus likes)

Ok kalau first time dengar lagu ni dulu, rasa nak ambik blow torch and bakar telinga. Tapi, after awhile (a very long while) people dah boleh terima sikit lagu dia. Why? sebab dah terbiasa I guess? I mean the song was so bad that it was fun to watch and listen to for a good laugh. And macam hampir every Friday at one point, mesti akan ada orang tweet, or post, or pasang lagu ni. It's like dia dah terjadi icon for Fridays. Tapi aku rasa one of the main point lagu ni jadi bearable is because orang dah selalu dengar. Biasa la kan? No matter how much we hate something, kalau dah selalu dengar or nampak, at one point dah jadi biasa dah. But seriously, lirik dia sangat...genius. And asal ada random rapper in the middle of the song. Who is that guy? And her voice...well beat lagu dia ok...kot?

Next let's move on to Jenna Rose - My Jeans (dengar nama lagu dia pun dah tahu lagu dia pasal apa kan?)

(900k plus plus views, 15k plus plus dislikes, 2k plus plus likes. Tapi aku rasa the numbers patutnye lagi tinggi sebab this is the reuploaded version. Aku tak dapat jumpa the original version. Aku rasa yang tu lagi banyak views)

So this girl nak sampaikan a very deep and meaningful message in her song, which is her jeans are totally cool. Aku tak tahu nak start kat mana. Let's start with the song itself, seriously? a song about your jeans? and of course ada random rapper in the middle of the song. Atleast kau nak buat lagu bodoh, buat la lirik dia pandai sikit. I mean one part of the song she sang :

ABC 1-2-3 That girl wore her jeans like me
I bet she's mad 'cause I look fab
Ha-ha-ha-ha, jack my swag

The level of her literature is equivalent to a budak tadika yang baru belajar baca buku. Tu baru her song, the video pun boleh buat orang nak muntah. Seriously, kalau kau nak buat a song about your jeans, atleast make the jeans look nice in the video la. The jeans were so ugly. And asal early in the video she's driving a car? Mana parents dia? Aku tak faham, dia nak tunjuk dia grown up because she can drive tapi half the video dia tengah pillow fight with her friends dalam bilik dia. Pastu time dia tunjuk those ugly jeans to her friends muka membe-membe dia tak boleh blah doh. Oh, fun fact, lagu ni actually keluar before lagu Friday. Tapi aku tahu pasal lagu ni pun sebab Harry britau aku.

Next, let's go to Hot Problem - Double Take 

(Currently 16 million plus plus views, 600k plus plus dislikes, 54k plus plus likes)

Basically lagu ni mengisahkan dua perempuan yang "hot" tapi sebenarnye diaorang pun ada "problems" macam orang biasa. Thus, the name Hot Problem. Okay, first of all, they weren't singing, they were...talking? I mean they don't sound like they're singing. Diorang bunyi macam diorang malas nak nyanyi lagu ni so diorang cakap je the lyrics. And the video, nama lagu hot problems, the video looks so cheap. Why are they dancing in the limo? Is it even a limo? If it is, kalau you can afford to rent a limo, hire someone to make a better video. And the lyrics, haih. Serious ah? 

Hot girls we got problems too
we're just like you
Except we're hot (hot, hot, hot, hot)

Rasa nak sepak diorang tak? Apa message korang? Orang hot ni sebenarnye ada masalah jugak macam orang biasa. So korang dah jadi duta untuk orang-orang hot ah? I don't understand. And honestly, they're not that hot. And even if you were, siapa je go around and establish diri sendiri as hot or handsome or sexy? Dah establish diri sendiri as hot, pastu boleh lak cakap "we're just like you, except we're hot". Kau siapa nak cakap siapa hot siapa tak?

Okay, sebenarnye ada banyak lagi video bodoh macam ni kat youtube, tapi aku rasa kalau post ni lagi panjang, takde orang akan baca, eheh. Anyway, the main video yang aku nak tunjuk, and one of the latest addition to the koleksi-koleksi lagu bodoh, It's Thanksgiving - Nicole Westbrook

(Currently, 12 million plus views, 200k plus dislikes, 28k plus likes)

It was just so bad I can't stop laughing!!! hahahahaha!!! Does, the song look familiar? Kalau korang fikir lagu Friday, you're right! Cuma beza nya, Rebecca nyanyi pasal hari dalam minggu, Nicole nyanyi pasal musim perayaan. Mesti korang fikir bende ni coincidence kan? Here's a fun fact, the producers of Friday, also did this song. Surprise! And yes, that random black guy in the video, that's the same guy dalam lagu Friday. Double Surprise! The message in the song sangat straightforward, minah ni suka thanksgiving. Also the song and lyrics were just plain bad. Tapi aku nak concentrate on the video. It's thanksgiving, musim perayaan kan? Asal dia yang masak sesorang? mana parents dia? And suddenly ada random black guy in a turkey costume datang kat rumah dia, pastu Nicole bagi dia masuk rumah dia. Kalau aku, aku dah call police dah. Another part yang tak boleh bla is part diorang semua dah pegang tangan, nak baca doa, tetibe Nicole gi rap doa diorang. And then dia guna drumstick turkey tu as a mic and nyanyi macam orang bodoh while her friends menari kat meja blakang dengan penuh awkward. The video was just so bad aku tak tahan gelak. Random gila video dia!!!

Aku serious tak faham masalah budak-budak ni. Diorang sanggup en jadi famous melalui lagu-lagu bodoh ni. Its like diorang tak try pun nak write better songs. Its like diorang baru tulis the lyrics the night before diorang buat recording. No hate though, atleast diorang try Yang penting effort. I guess the only good outcome daripada semua video bodoh ni, is the parody yang orang buat in response to these songs! (which in my opinion, is waaaaaaaay better)

(I like this version better lolz)

In conclusion, kalau nak jadi famous, buat lagu bodoh, post kat youtube, tunggu dibenci dunia and tadaa~ Instant Fame. Tapi jangan lupa to add a random black guy in your video to rap.

 But please don't be famous by doing stupid things. Have a little pride.

Anyway, I'm out. Ciao~

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