Sunday 2 December 2012

Analisa Makanan #3 : Canoodling dan Marmalade

So hari tu mak aku bosan duduk kat rumah so dia bawak everyone (excluding abang aku) pergi makan kat Bangsar Village sebab adik aku nak suruh kitorang try makanan kat Canoodling. Pernah pergi tak?

(Seperti biasa, gambar ni aku cilok kat google. Tapi lawa gila en decor kedai dia?)

So basically kedai ni serve noodles. Tapi noodles dia ada banyak gila variety which is really the menarik. One thing yang caught my eye was the decor dari luar and kat dalam. To me dia nampak snazzy and cool...ish. Entah, aku tertarik tengok decor dalam dia je. The fun part is, instead of table mats, diorang letak kertas yang besar gila tu as a table mat and diorang letak crayons skali kat meja korang. Basically its for easy cleaning, tapi aku ngan family aku conteng-conteng meja kitorang, siap main hang man lagi, eheh. The noodles yang diorang serve are asian inspired and you have a lot to choose from. The price pun, not bad la for what you're getting. Dia dalam belas-belas camtu but it's kinda worth it I guess sebab serving dia banyak jugak. Time kitorang pergi, silap jugak la sebab everyone dah order mee la bagai, at the same time order appetizers skali. Memang kenyang habis ah. Adik-adik aku pun tak dapat nak finish their food. Anyway as for the food, honestly aku macam so-so macam tu. Why? Sebab the food yang aku order sedap, tapi aku rasa adik aku silap order sebab dia punya kurang sikit rasa dia bagi aku.  

(Red Curry Duck Confit Noodles)

This is what I ordered, and it was good. Curry dia sedap gila, itik dia, dia bagi bahagian yang besar, noodles dia hitam so aku tertarik tengok. One thing aku tak faham is the lychee. Kenapa ada lychee? Mak aku cakap untuk bagi that sweet texture. Tapi bagi aku the lychee a bit too much for me. Tak masuk sangat. Kalau korang suka, makan je la skali, perut korang. Kalau tak, just buang the lychee ke tepi and eat the food. Yang ni memang sedap.

(Curry Mee)

Adik aku seorang order curry mee ni ha. It's ok, I guess. I'm not really a big fan of curry (padahal baru cakap red curry mee aku sedap). Tapi it's ok la. Adik aku kata sedap, so I guess sedap la tu. Tapi aku punya lagi sedap sebenarnye (nak menang jugak). Don't worry curry dia tak pedas sangat so it's ok bagi yang tak tahan pedas. Oh and inti-inti dia pun banyak. Ayam, sayur, etc etc.

(errr...aku lupa nama yang ni. But I'm pretty sure it's not duck la. I think that's kway teow kat dalam tu?)

Eheh, sorry tak ingat nama, tapi this is the one yang adik aku order yang tak sedap sangat tu (maybe sebab tu kot tak ingat nama). Even kalau tengok gambar ni pun tak nampak menarik sangat. Oh well.

(Braised Duck and Ginger Noodles. Tapi time tu noodles dia dah habis so dia ganti dengan kway teow)

Mak aku order yang ni. Also not a big fan of this one. Maybe it's the soy sauce mixed with the duck yang buat dia tak kena sangat. I don't know la. Either way, not a fan of this one.

This place ada jugak desserts dia, tapi kitorang tak order sebab gi makan kat tempat lain pulak (even though dah kenyang gila) Tapi the desserts pun are asian based. Ada tau foo fah, bubur cha cha, etc etc. Aku takleh nak comment banyak pasal desserts dia sebab kitorang tak try pun. However, overall, aku rasa tempat ni agak fun. Maybe sebab aku tertarik dengan meja, decor dia la. The food pun not bad. Aku tak sempat nak try everything tapi from observation, aku ada gak nampak some interesting looking food. I wouldn't say tempat ni is a must try, tapi it is worth the try.

So seperti biasa, lepas makan, kena la makan lagi. For desserts kitorang gi makan kat Marmalade, also still in Bangsar Village. 

(again, gambar cilok dari google)

Firstly, tempat dia punya decor pun menarik. Tapi it looks very feminine (no hate). The food here are mostly modern western dishes, tapi aku takleh nak talk about the main dishes pun sebab tak makan pun the main dishes. Just nak cakap je yang they have other food besides desserts. I can however comment on the desserts, which aku suka sangat sangat sangat. 

(Bread Pudding...something)

This one is super duper sedap. The bread pudding is hot, with some raisins inside, dia bagi vanilla sauce (I think) to pour all over the bread pudding, and to top it all off, ICE CREAM!!! Sumpah one of the best pick me up desserts I had in a long time. Very very mouth watering. 

(Lemon Tart...somthing....something....dammit asal aku susah sangat nak ingat nama ni?)

This one also sedap kalau korang suka bende yang masam-masam sikit (but according to my mom it was masam sangat tapi aku ok je, aku suka je) Anyway, this one also is good. On top of the lemon tart is actually not cream tau. Dia macam some tangy...something. Aku pun tak sure what it was la tapi dia sedap. It compliments the sourness of the lemon. Also one of my favorites. 

(Oreo something something cake)

This one is ok ok je la sebenarnye. Maybe sebab aku rasa the oreo macam tak special sangat. Compared to the other 2. Sedap dia sedap biasa je la. Tapi if you like oreo, go for it. 

(Hot chocolate and Mochachino)

Hot drinks dia pun not bad la tapi aku lagi excited tengok dia punya coffee art. Aku dapat angry bird and mak aku dapat snow man. Its not that often you can find places yang dia buatkan coffee art.

In conclusion, the desserts are a must try. One of these days aku akan kembali and try the rest of the desserts and maybe the other dishes...but mostly the desserts. 

Sorry for not giving proper reviews on the food. Aku tak reti la describe taste and texture and presentation macam masterchef. Tapi aku boleh bagi my honest opinion. Anyway thanks for reading. Have a happy eating day.


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