Wednesday 14 November 2012

Teater Tun Siti Hasmah

So lately aku dengar membe aku cakap pasal Teater Tun Siti Hasmah. And aku sedar kat FB and Twitter pun bende ni tengah trending so finally, aku dapat gak a chance to watch it with my friends. By friends I mean, 2 couples and suddenly me and Acap. Patutnye aku nak tengok dengan Mel on Monday and Acap nak bawak Amira but both of them canceled. So, end up, aku jadi date Acap for that night. But since one of those couples included Bear and Gori, aku takdelah rasa macam terpinggir sangat. Okay dah melalut, Anyway :

Yes, Teater Tun Siti Hasmah. If there was one word I could use to describe this show, it would have to be AMAZING!!! Along with an amazing cast which includes the ever lovely, Lisa Surihani. Sumpah show dia terbaik weh. The show is from 14th September until 23rd September at Istana Budaya. Kalau ada some of you yang tak tahu what this show is about, it's basically a tribute to Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali, the wife of Tun Dr Mahathir. Aku nak cerita in more detail tapi takut terbagi spoilers kepada bakal yang akan menontonnye nanti. And kalau aku nak bagi comment pulak, kang ada orang cakap aku bajet retis la bagai. So aku hanya mampu cakap show dia best and it's totally worth your money and time. The best part is, kalau korang patient sikit macam kitorang malam tu, korang dapat bergambar dengan cast and crew dia after the show. 

(Dia cakap aku nampak handsome malam tu macam Aaron Aziz. Hew hew hew)

Sebenarnye, malam tu, ada banyak bende interesting berlaku, contohnye my hair, my new pet, a surprise birthday etc etc. Tapi post ni aku dah set nak dedicatekan kepada show ni yang aku rasa gempak giler. And sebenarnye aku agak penat nak cerita the whole thing tonight so aku sambung esok ke apa with the extended version of what happened that night (cerita masalah pulak). Kepada yang akan menonton show ni, I hope you will have as much fun as we did. Ps, aku recommend korang makan dulu sebab kalau tak, perut korang buat rockband nanti during the show, true story.

Anyway enjoy the show (kalau korang tengok) and jangan lupa makan banyak-banyak.

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