Saturday 8 December 2012

Menghilangkan Diri

Hello everyone, I have a quick announcement. Aku baru sahaja gaduh dengan family aku pasal something sangat sangat personal and aku akan melarikan diri.

No, I'm just kidding, but I am leaving for a month to the United Kingdom!!!! Yeap, so I will be gone for a whole month. I'm leaving tomorrow and will be back next year on January. Yang sedihnya, tak sampai brape hari aku sampai Malaysia, dah kene balik UTP dah sebab sem nak dah start. But it's okay I guess. I've been on vacation for too long and my final chapter of vacationing will end in the UK. Which, also means blog ni akan mati skejap. Eheh. Tapi takpe. It's for the best

So, since I won't be blogging while I'm there, I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Also to the December babies, Happy Birthday.

Jumpa lagi tahun depan dan please doakan my safety pergi dan balik dan sepanjang aku ada kat sana. Sayang korang :)

Goodbye and till next time

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