Tuesday 5 February 2013

London, Paris Oh la la

Hey Hey Hey!!!! Hi everyone. Lama gila tak update bende ni. Tapi like I said in my previous post, aku memang akan hilang sekejap. So sebenarnye aku dah balik from London since the 7th of Jan. Tapi like I said, kene rushing balik pergi UTP sebab sem dah start. And this sem busy nak mampuih. Seriously, baru sekarang aku dapat update bende ni, and tu pun sebab class aku cancel (ok, merapu masalah sendiri). Anyway, the point is I'm back.

So back to the main topic which is trip aku to London and Paris. Tapi daripada aku cerita everything and membosankan everyone, aku akan instead bagi korang my top 50 (dibahagikan kepada 10 kategori) for London and Paris in point form dan juga diselit beberapa gambar. Haaaaaaaaa. So, let's begin


  1. Jalan-jalan to random places without a plan nak pergi ke mana
  2. Discover random places
  3. Makan ice cream walaupun sejuk gila babs kat luar
  4. Shopping kat Oxford Street
  5. Shopping kat Westfields 
  6. Jalan-jalan kat parks dia
  7. Gi kacau itik ngan tupai yang ada kat parks tersebut
  8. Melepak depan kedai kopi sambil memerhati semua orang berjalan (lol, stalker gila)
  9. Lepak dan jumpa bersama membe yang dah lama tak jumpa
  10. Tengok orang buat street performances

(Hyde Park. One of my favorite parks to walk at)

  1. Oxford Street (shopping district)
  2. Westfields (it's a shopping mall by the way)
  3. Camden Town (Tempat shopping and makanan versi market camtu)
  4. Hyde Park
  5. Green Park
  6. Natural History Museum
  7. Piccadily Circus (tempat shopping high end sikit. Tak beli apa-apa ah tapi, suka lalu je eheh)
  8. Galeries la Fayette (Paris)
  9. Bayswater
  10. Edgware Road (Bayswater and Edgware road tempat aku cari makanan halal)

(The streets of Camden Town)

  1. The view from the top of the Eiffel Tower and the tower itself
  2. The Louvre Pyramid in Paris
  3. The paintings in the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square, London
  4. Buckingham Palace
  5. The London Eye
  6. Tower Bridge (sebab London Bridge tak menarik sangat)
  7. The Arc de Triomphe and the Avenue des Champs-Elysees, which is the long road leading up to the arc
  8. Big Ben
  9. Parliament Street
  10. The Christmas lights at Oxford Street

(The view from the top of the Eiffel Tower)

  1. New Year fireworks depan the London Eye
  2. Discovering Halal Subway and Halal Nandos (Epic LOL)
  3. Someone mistakenly took my name as "Amy" 
  4. Kene kacau dengar gangsters kat Paris (sumpah tak lawak ok)
  5. Kegilaan Boxing day shopping
  6. Berborak bersama bapak ayam UK (Pun boleh)
  7. Kaki cramp sambil lintas jalan kat Oxford Street and time tu jugak lampu dia bertukar jadi hijau
  8. Barang teroverload masa nak balik Malaysia. (Tak pernah jadi ok)
  9. Bontot kene raba time New Year dengan orang mabuk
  10. Jumpa Harry :D

(New Year fireworks depan the London Eye)

  1. Kene kacau ngan gangster kat Paris (sumpah tak puas hati)
  2. Kat Paris, majority orang yang aku jumpa tak sefriendly yang aku harapkan
  3. Susah sikit nak carik makanan halal kat Paris
  4. Area aku lepas dah gelap sumpah creepy doh and ada possibility kene stab or rogol
  5. Travelling sangat mahal. The underground la. The bus ok sikit tapi slow sikit la nak sampai your destination
  6. Rokok aku sentiasa kene pau
  7. Aku selalu kene tipu dengan salesman kat sana. Pancing lebih sikit and aku terus terbeli....(ok ni salah aku)
  8. Peminta sedekah kat sana agak persistant
  9. The young people in UK akan sentiasa pasang lagu dengan kuat kat public areas or in buses or trains and takkan ada orang tegur diorang untuk turn down the music.
  10. The crowd during lunch hour. Either you walk fast kalau tak semua orang langgar kau.

(Ramai sangat orang)


  1. Kalau kau stay dalam seminggu or dua minggu camtu and nak banyak travel, get the weekly oyster card pass thingy (lupa apa tah nama dia). Sebab kalau kau ambik the hop on hop off tour bus tu, macam bazir sikit la sebab kau kene ikut time dia. Better kau ambik the week pass and plan your own trip. Tapi kalau kau stay like 2-3 days camtu, ambik la bus hop on hop off tu.
  2. Jangan harapkan semua orang akan layan kau dengan baik. Be on guard all the time.
  3. Jangan percaya sangat street sellers, diorang just nak duit
  4. Kalau kau datang UK just for the shopping, make sure kau jangan pack banyak sangat. Aku nye barang overweight kot masa aku balik -.-''
  5. Always kencing atau berak bila kau dapat chance sebab kau tak tahu bila lagi kau akan jumpa a decent toilet
  6. Also eat when you can sebab tak tahu kat mana lagi ada makanan halal
  7. Try to be back before 12 sebab the drunks there agak menakutkan
  8. Kalau kau jalan sesorang macam aku, make sure atleast ada 1 person yang tahu kau kat mana at all times. 
  9. Make sure kau check dulu apa yang kau nak makan tu. Kang tak pasal-pasal termakan babi
  10. If you're lost in central london, jangan panic. Mesti adanya map somewhere along the streets.

(At Heathrow Airport, nak balik Malaysia dah, with my Aunt yang telah jaga aku sepanjang aku ada kat sana)

So tu je la cerita aku kat negara penjajah lol. And now I'm back in Malaysia, back in UTP and busier than ever. The experience was fun and exciting and full of surprises (ayat buku text) tapi most of all, aku lagi appreciate negara sendiri sekarang sebab experience ni. Not sure kalau dua statement tu ada kaitan ke tak but yeah macam tu la. Anyway, will begin blogging as per normal again bila ada masa lapang.

Bye semua, Salam Satu Malaysia :D

Tiboh patriotik

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