Tuesday 19 February 2013

Harlem Shake

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. By now most of you dah tahu dah the Harlem Shake tu apa kan? And no @ttdiTV Harlem Shake bukanlah sejenis shake dari McD.

(I mean seriously? Ok lah tak baik gelak. Banyak gak orang tak tahu Harlem Shake tu apa sebenarnye)

Anyway, basically Harlem Shake ni is so called the new in thing. Ala dia macam dulu kan ada dougie, planking and at the same time the gangnam style. Ni kiranya macam the new trend all over youtube right now. And even though banyak orang cakap Harlem Shake ni sangat bodoh. Aku rasa dia macam cool je. Hahahah, I'm weird I know. Tak I mean kalau kau tengok the videos dia macam the people yang in the video macam having a lot of fun je and it looks like its so fun to do. Okok enough explaining. Just watch la this video.

(Harlem Shake!!!!)

So dia basically macam tu je la. Music starts, sorang je akan menari while everyone else buat kerja masing-masing macam its nothing weird. But then suddenly the beat drops and semua orang suddenly menari macam orang gila. Tu je. Tapi aku tak tahu la. aku tengok diorang buat macam fun je. So aku plan macam nak buat a Harlem Shake video gak. Hipster tak? lolololo. Tapi kene find a group of people yang sanggup buat keje gila ngan aku. Anyway, fun fact. Harlem Shake ni is originally a dance sometime in the 90s tak silap aku. Its actually a name of a dance move yang takde kaitan langsung with any of these videos. So I'm not really sure kenapa it's called the Harlem Shake. Maybe that's the name of the song kot? Oh well.

Main point is, aku dah lama tak buat keje gila and what a fun way to buat keje gila right? right? no? oh well.

Ok tu je. Byeeee~~~

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