Sunday 17 February 2013

Off With Your Head!!!

Hello everyone. So korang probably tahu rambut aku boleh kira panjang. And in fact memang aku sengaja biar dia panjang sebab one, aku tak pernah simpan rambut aku panjang sampai macam ni. And two, aku nak tengok brape lama aku boleh simpan rambut aku before kene saman or sound dengan guard UTP. Apparently boleh tahan 2 bulan before aku kene sound, and tu pun dia sound bodoh bodoh sebab aku buat muka comel (lol). So technically boleh tahan lama lagi la without any so called "extreme" measures taken. 

However, lately aku rasa rambut aku sangat merimaskan. Like seriously, lepas mandi, hair all over my face. Kalau hari tu panas (and it's always panas) terasa panas yang terlebih lak. Kalau angin tiup, masuk mata and mulut. And top of the list, kalau hari yang aku rasa extremely malas, aku akan nampak serabai level sejuta. Therefore, aku pun telah mengambil keputusan untuk potong rambut setelah menyimpannya selama 8 bulan. But since rambut aku panjang, aku boleh have some fun with my hair before aku actually potong it.

So it started with : 

(Rambut aku paling panjang setakat ni)

And then aku terasa nak have fun. Dulu time aku identity crisis aku terfikir nak buat rambut skrillex. So....

(Skrillex...actually sangat rempit)

But then aku realise buat rambut skrillex membuatkan aku nampak sangat sangat rempit. Like level infinite rempit. Aku rasa nak sepak je diri aku time tu. So finally the end result of my hair was...

(Aku sengaja buat black and white sebab nampak cam emo depressed sikit. lol)

Yeap, the end product was aku botak. And esok Isnin which means esok baru my new hair will make its first debut. And even though for now aku boleh cakap aku okay with my hair like this. Aku tahu after a few days, aku akan menyesal, macam perempuan yang baru potong rambut. As for the people yang dah tengok rambut aku, the most common soalan aku dapat is "kenapa kau potong rambut? Kau depressed ke?". Pun boleh guys. But no, the whole reason aku buat post pasal bende ni is because, aku tak pernah botak before this. So now I can cross it off my list of things to do before I die.

Anyway tu je. Hair is just hair after all. Plus rambut aku cepat tumbuh balik pun. My next aim is to not cut my hair for the rest of the year. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! Aku akan revisit this topic at the end of the year.

So for now goodnight. Esok aku ada class pagi


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