Wednesday 20 February 2013

Magibon, an uneasy post

Before aku start explaining my confussion (and actually a bit cuak jugak, I don't know why) just watch this video first.

(Don't worry la. Dia bukan something yang scary ke apa)

....Okaaaay. So bagi yang dah tengok (or for whatever reason, malas nak tengok) this is a video of a girl just staring into the camera for 38 secs. I don't even know where to begin. How bout aku mulakan dengan beberapa fakta. Video ni telah pun menerima 6,674,241 views. And and and on average, her other videos pun around juta-juta views jugak. Let me start by saying (and aku tak tahu kenapa) this video membuatkan aku rasa very VERY uncomfortable. She is practically just staring at you, smiling macam an evil demon. Aku sumpah ingatkan macam this is one of those videos yang tetibe some kind of hantu terkeluar ke apa. But no. It's just that. Ok tapi tu aku je la. I went through the comments and most of them were positive. Orang puji la cakap dia cute la bagai. But but but just for staring at the camera for 30 plus seconds and views kau berjuta? seriously youtube? what is this???

Ok moving on to more serious matters. First of all, this girl is not Japanese. To me memang takde muka orang jepun pun but most of the comments on youtube said she's japanese. But I know she's not. Tapi she did learn Japanese from watching anime. Her real name is Margaret Lilian Adams and dia dari Florida. Almost semua video dia maca ni (well yang aku jumpa la) and in an interview, bila orang tanye dia dia tak plan nak buat videos with script ke? Dia reply dia tak guna script and dia takde plan pun. Ok but even so, kenapa just by making videos macam ni dia boleh dapat banyak gila views? Well one of the speculations was that most of her audience adalah lelaki yang berumur 45 dan ke know why lah. Tapi creepy gila ok. I mean, aku tengok video video dia and aku rasa it's creepy. But bila tengok balik statistics and finding out that most of her viewers are guys over 45 macam...eww.

I mean seriously guys. Tengok video ni boleh turned on ke? And at the time dia buat video video ni she was like what? 12? 13? She's just a kid. So many pedos on youtube. Tapi tapi tapi. Another fun fact. Dia pernah appear on the cover of Playboy Japan.

(Control yourselves boys)

Babi kalau aku tahu by doing nothing and posting it on youtube boleh make me famous, baik aku takyah study je. I mean seriously. Video dia macam tu je and now look where she is. I don't understaaaand.

Ok tu je. Goodnight

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