Wednesday 6 February 2013

Jom Kahwin

Hi everybody.

Lately aku perasan kat Twitter ngan Facebook aku, banyak orang dah start cakap pasal marriage. And actually some of my friends dah pun kahwin and bertunang, like my ex-housemate time kat UiTM dulu. Anyway, this year aku akan mencecah umur 21 tahun and tetibe aku pun terfikir, tak ke too early to start thinking about marriage? I mean yes, people in my age group dah boleh kira matang I guess. Tapi, kitorang still tengah study, kerja pun belum, takde stable income, takde kereta, rumah pun tiada, ada pun bapa punya (lame joke). The point is, tak ke awal sangat? Semua orang fikir nak kahwin sebab semua orang fikir kahwin ni senang and best, tapi diorang ada tak consider the hard parts of marriage? (ceh cakap macam aku dah kahwin)

I mean tipu gak ah kalau aku tak pernah fikir pasal kahwin jugak (even though I'm still single LOL) tapi even then, aku rasa banyak sangat bende nak kene consider kalau nak kahwin nanti. Duit cukup tak nak raise a family, rumah cukup besar tak kalau ada anak, safety family, nak jaga hubungan dengan the in-laws, etc etc. And I know la aku pun not the most Islamic person dalam dunia ni, tapi the main thing aku nak buat before I get married is change myself and my way of living before boleh lead someone ke arah yang betul (matang tak ayat aku?) tapi seriously la, kene change myself first.

At the same time, aku tak tahu kenapa some of my friends rushing nak get married. What's the rush der? Takut awek kau lari? Kalau korang betul-betul sayang each other then you can wait. Cukupkan la semua syarat yang sepatutnya dulu before even considering to get married. Sebab aku tak rasa marriage is all fun and games. Tapi at the same time kan, aku ada dengar gak some of my friends just nak get married sebab dah horny tapi tu gossip lain hari yea, ehehehe.

Anyway, whatever people's decision are to get married now or later, just be prepared for battle

And sebelum korang fikir nak kahwin or not, tanya yourself, are you ready, bebeh?

Anyway tu saje, aku nak mandi.
