Sunday 31 March 2013

Dear Lord, He's Back!!!

So, ingat tak dulu ada that guy yang buat that so-called parody of Sayang by Shae? Well, unfortunately, he's back, with more *shivers*

(Teman Pengganti "Parody")

(Diamonds "Parody")

Yang bende lawak nye kan, dia pakai the same exact baju and backdrop for both videos. Mungkin right after dia buat satu video tu, dia kata "Eh cun la titew dalam video ni. Nak buat lagi satu la, uhukz" pastu terus buat. It was funny when he did the Sayang video. But he should have just stopped at that. Kalau yea pun nak buat lagi, creative la sikit. Both these two videos look the same. Well mungkin hobby dia kot buat video macam ni. Whatever dude, as long as you're happy then fine.

Tu je


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