Saturday 23 March 2013

G-G-G-G-G-G-Goat Remix!!!!

Hi everyone.

So yesterday I posted a fun useless fact that we probably knew before this. And it was kinda fun learning something new (nerd alert) So, malam ni aku terasa nak share pasal another internet sensation, which also boleh kira has been around for quite awhile jugak, THE GOAT REMIXES!!!!! Bagi yang tak tahu what a goat remix is, watch this first. And kalau macam malas nak tengok the whole thing, just watch until the chorus.

(I knew you were trouble, goat remix)

And that was a contoh of a goat remix. So what is a goat remix? Well based on apa yang korang dah (ataupun tak) tengok, its basically a song, or anything for that matter, yang diremixkann dengan memasukkan bunyi and/or video kambing menjerit. Tu je. Tapi over time people on youtube makin creative. Ada rock goat remix, hip hop, even dubstep goat remix.

So in the year 2007, video-video kambing menjerit macam manusia dah start viral kat youtube. Tapi in 2009 ada this one youtuber (lupa entah apa nama dia) gi dub video lagu Usher "Papers" dengan bunyi kambing menjerit. And from there, semua orang pun nak buat goat remix, yay! Tapi the reason dia baru jadi an internet phenomena now is that because in February, this year, ada orang upload a video called "Goats Yelling Like Humans" yang dapat 12.5 million views. Gila babi ah. Anyway from there on, the internet did its magic and voila! Goat remix. In fact, lagu Taylor Swift ni ha was one of the first few videos this year yang digoat remixkan.

But but but but hold on. Ada a few other things you should know. The goat "yelling" in some of the videos are actually not the real sounds of an actual goat yelling. Sebenarnya ada orang ambik video clip kambing tengah bukak mulut dia and dub dengan suara orang menjerit. Not all of them la. Some of them. Also you should know that some of the so-called goats in the videos, bukan goat pun, they're sheep. Tapi honestly I don't think its an issue pun. The videos were funny. Enough said. I mean even aku tertipu but who cares?

So what's the evolution of the goat remix? Well now people on youtube dah buat other forms of animal remix like a seal remix, people yelling like goat remix and, my personal favorite, nicholas cage remix.

Ok tu je nak share


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