Tuesday 9 April 2013

The Knife Game Song (A Fun Way to Lose All Your Fingers)

Hiiiii. So I've seen a lot of stupid shit on the internet. But I think The Knife Game Song (TKGS) is by far one of the...ok nak kata tak cool, tipu jugak la, cause I kinda wanted to try it (lol) tapi sumpah serious shit bahaya gila babi weh that game. Bagi yang tak tahu what is TKGS, tengok video ni dulu

(The Knife Game Song. Please for the love of God, do not try this at home. But if you do, please do record it. To be fair, I did warn you guys not to try it)

So yeah, that was TKGS. Ok, it may look kinda cool when other people SUCCESSFULLY do it but please, please, PLEASE don't try this at home. There were actually videos of people who tried this and jari diorang berdarah. Some of them stabbed themselves. Bahaya weh! Ok putting that aside, bende ni sebenarnye one of the trends yang tengah viral world wide like harlem shake, planking, etc etc. But this one is just crazy. And people on the internet takdelah pandai mana. Nampak something yang semua orang tengah buat and diorang pun nak buat jugak.

Ok, moving on to some background history of TKGS. So TKGS or also known as Five Finger Fillet (FFF) dah lama dah ade sebenarnye. The game is basically, ambik pisau, put your fingers far apart on a table or some kind of surface, and stab in between the fingers back and forth, basically macam dalam the video. Asal usul FFF agak unknown jugak la, tapi dia sebenarnye start jadi popular sebab dalam movie Aliens in the 1980's, ada satu scene tu dia buat the FFF. And then, seperti biasa, orang start tiru.

Tapi the original TKGS was written and uploaded by a youtuber yang bernama "Rusty Cage" in August 2011. From his channel "RustyCageMusic" dia ada banyak original songs lain yang dia sendiri buat and The Knife Song is one of them, which is also downloadable. So dalam kata lain, salahkan dia sebab dia yang start trend ni. Well, not really. Kalau yang rajin carik video dia, he's actually an old guy. The video yang actually buat this thing trending is this girl atas ni punya video. Her name is Hanna Ellingseter from Norway and in March 2013, she uploaded this video. Sebab dia lawa and boleh nyanyi sikit, bende ni terus viral. And hence begins a whole new trend of stupidity and bloodshed. 

Once more, Please jangan try bende bodoh ni. It's interesting to watch, tu aku admit. Tapi kalau nak hilang semua jari kau, be my guess. Nah siap aku bagi lirik lagu dia ehehehehe (encourage orang buat pulak)

The Knife Song

Oh, I have all my fingers, The knife goes chop chop chop
If I miss the spaces in between, my fingers will come off
And if i hit my fingers, the blood will soon come out
But all the same, I play this game, cause that's what its all about
I'm picking up the speed
And if I hit my fingers then my hand will start to bleed

But seriously, don't try it.

Ok tu je. Selamat bermain dengan pisau. Moga putus semua jari.


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