Friday 22 March 2013

Fun Fact Time

But before we get to the so-called important facts of tonight, tengok video ni. Sangat penting dan berkaitan dengan the point yang aku nak sampaikan tonight. So watch first eh.

(National Geographic)

Dah tengok? seriously if you don't watch it first, then you won't get the point I'll be making.


Dah ke belum babs???

HAH! congrats, you've been RICK ROLLED!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Ok dah. Actually bende ni dah sangat sangat sangaaaaaaaaaaaaaat lama. But baru sekarang terasa nak buat research kenapa bende rickrolling orang ni jadi trending suatu masa dulu. Anywaaaaay, what is rick rolling? and what do people mean when they say "YOU'VE BEEN RICK ROLLED BITCH!!!" Basically camni, the game is to get people to open a link of the music video Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley by tricking them. Kalau diorang bukak the link for whatever reason, then congratz! You rick rolled someone. That's the basic idea la. And tak semestinya kene bukak a link of the video. Over time, orang makin creative and mula buat banyak banyak cara lain nak tipu orang into opening the video. Like I did with the National Geographic thing. eheh

Ok so fine, we know what rick rolling means. Tapi camne tetibe dia boleh trending and terjadi an internet meme at that time? Camni, on April Fool's day 2008, youtube played a prank on the world. Kat home page youtube tu, youtube gi tukar all the videos on the home page to Rick Astley nye lagu ni ha. And ever since then, everyone try nak prank orang by making other people bukak link to his song. Dia macam one of those trending things at those times alongside planking and all.

So apa kata Rick Astley masa dia found out pasal bende ni? Dia lek je. Takde hal ah. He thought it was funny. In fact sebab bende ni jadi phenomena, in 2008 dia pernah nominated for Best Act Ever at the MTV Europe Music Awards. All hail the mighty power of the internet. Oh tapi the funnier and also a bit kesian thing about this phenomena, despite lagu dia sering digunakan sepanjang 2008-2010, he only made $12 from youtube. This is because dalam contract dengan label dia cakap he can only receive "performance shares". So currently today, still unknown brape banyak duit dia dapat sebenarnye. Tapi agak kesian la. Berjuta orang guna lagu kau nak prank orang lain kau dapat $12 je. Kesian doh.

So there you have it. Fun fact of the night. 

Selamat mengRick Roll orang.


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