Tuesday 12 March 2013

Sayang Apa Khabar Denganmu


By now I'm guessing most of everyone dah tengok video ni kot 

(And in his own words, and I quote : "Inilah penyanyi sebenar lagu Sayang .. Percaya tak percaya lah ~ hahaha)

HAHAHAHAHAHA. Ok puas gelak. Where to begin on this video. Well the guy yang post this video (and I'm guessing that's him in the video as well) is Adnan Othman. Malaysian, I guess. Current views: 125 945, 612 likes and 330 dislikes. Not bad stats. Anyway, basically this fella kan dia nak buat parody lagu Shae - Sayang. And he did it in the most absurdly bapok-est way possible, dengan gaya nya, dengan dancing dia (tapi part last-last tu perasan tak dia dah start penat? LOL). So fine ok the purpose of this video was that dia nak buat parody of the song. And honestly dia berjaya make a lot of us laugh and hit replay beberapa kali. So in terms of making us laugh, I give him/her (I'm not sure) an A++. I mean tipu gak lah kalau tak gelak, despite how bapok gaya dia is dalam video ni. Gaya dia tu mahal. Bak kata membe aku, kalah perempuan. But another thing aku nak share pasal this (Which is also just as funny) is the comments section on this video.

(Taken from the comments section on youtube)

Lepas dah analyze most of the comments, 70% orang cakap part bibir tu paling mahal, headbanging tu macam dah kene sawan and the other 30% tak tahu dia lelaki ke perempuan. Also, aku perasan that a lot of people liked the video sebab they got a good laugh out of it. But the number of haters are just as many. Kata dia bodoh la, memalukan kaum lelaki la, inilah itulah, you know typical stuff. Bukan aku nak try defend dia ke apa tau, tapi why the hate? it's funny, just leave it at that la.

But obviously, we can't leave it like that because sentiasa akan ada orang yang akan cari faults. People do stupid things on the internet all the time, so aku dah at that point where dah tak terkejut dah. For all we know he may not even be bapok in real life. Mana la tau la kan. Point is video ni lawak, and everyone is open to their own opinions. This is mine. And if by some strange reason Adnan Othman is reading this (which is higly unlikely) Don't stop making us laugh. Tapi kalau nampak orang tengah kejar kau dengan kayu, I suggest you run.

Ok tu je bye~

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