Sunday 31 March 2013

Dear Lord, He's Back!!!

So, ingat tak dulu ada that guy yang buat that so-called parody of Sayang by Shae? Well, unfortunately, he's back, with more *shivers*

(Teman Pengganti "Parody")

(Diamonds "Parody")

Yang bende lawak nye kan, dia pakai the same exact baju and backdrop for both videos. Mungkin right after dia buat satu video tu, dia kata "Eh cun la titew dalam video ni. Nak buat lagi satu la, uhukz" pastu terus buat. It was funny when he did the Sayang video. But he should have just stopped at that. Kalau yea pun nak buat lagi, creative la sikit. Both these two videos look the same. Well mungkin hobby dia kot buat video macam ni. Whatever dude, as long as you're happy then fine.

Tu je


Saturday 23 March 2013

G-G-G-G-G-G-Goat Remix!!!!

Hi everyone.

So yesterday I posted a fun useless fact that we probably knew before this. And it was kinda fun learning something new (nerd alert) So, malam ni aku terasa nak share pasal another internet sensation, which also boleh kira has been around for quite awhile jugak, THE GOAT REMIXES!!!!! Bagi yang tak tahu what a goat remix is, watch this first. And kalau macam malas nak tengok the whole thing, just watch until the chorus.

(I knew you were trouble, goat remix)

And that was a contoh of a goat remix. So what is a goat remix? Well based on apa yang korang dah (ataupun tak) tengok, its basically a song, or anything for that matter, yang diremixkann dengan memasukkan bunyi and/or video kambing menjerit. Tu je. Tapi over time people on youtube makin creative. Ada rock goat remix, hip hop, even dubstep goat remix.

So in the year 2007, video-video kambing menjerit macam manusia dah start viral kat youtube. Tapi in 2009 ada this one youtuber (lupa entah apa nama dia) gi dub video lagu Usher "Papers" dengan bunyi kambing menjerit. And from there, semua orang pun nak buat goat remix, yay! Tapi the reason dia baru jadi an internet phenomena now is that because in February, this year, ada orang upload a video called "Goats Yelling Like Humans" yang dapat 12.5 million views. Gila babi ah. Anyway from there on, the internet did its magic and voila! Goat remix. In fact, lagu Taylor Swift ni ha was one of the first few videos this year yang digoat remixkan.

But but but but hold on. Ada a few other things you should know. The goat "yelling" in some of the videos are actually not the real sounds of an actual goat yelling. Sebenarnya ada orang ambik video clip kambing tengah bukak mulut dia and dub dengan suara orang menjerit. Not all of them la. Some of them. Also you should know that some of the so-called goats in the videos, bukan goat pun, they're sheep. Tapi honestly I don't think its an issue pun. The videos were funny. Enough said. I mean even aku tertipu but who cares?

So what's the evolution of the goat remix? Well now people on youtube dah buat other forms of animal remix like a seal remix, people yelling like goat remix and, my personal favorite, nicholas cage remix.

Ok tu je nak share


Friday 22 March 2013

Fun Fact Time

But before we get to the so-called important facts of tonight, tengok video ni. Sangat penting dan berkaitan dengan the point yang aku nak sampaikan tonight. So watch first eh.

(National Geographic)

Dah tengok? seriously if you don't watch it first, then you won't get the point I'll be making.


Dah ke belum babs???

HAH! congrats, you've been RICK ROLLED!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Ok dah. Actually bende ni dah sangat sangat sangaaaaaaaaaaaaaat lama. But baru sekarang terasa nak buat research kenapa bende rickrolling orang ni jadi trending suatu masa dulu. Anywaaaaay, what is rick rolling? and what do people mean when they say "YOU'VE BEEN RICK ROLLED BITCH!!!" Basically camni, the game is to get people to open a link of the music video Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley by tricking them. Kalau diorang bukak the link for whatever reason, then congratz! You rick rolled someone. That's the basic idea la. And tak semestinya kene bukak a link of the video. Over time, orang makin creative and mula buat banyak banyak cara lain nak tipu orang into opening the video. Like I did with the National Geographic thing. eheh

Ok so fine, we know what rick rolling means. Tapi camne tetibe dia boleh trending and terjadi an internet meme at that time? Camni, on April Fool's day 2008, youtube played a prank on the world. Kat home page youtube tu, youtube gi tukar all the videos on the home page to Rick Astley nye lagu ni ha. And ever since then, everyone try nak prank orang by making other people bukak link to his song. Dia macam one of those trending things at those times alongside planking and all.

So apa kata Rick Astley masa dia found out pasal bende ni? Dia lek je. Takde hal ah. He thought it was funny. In fact sebab bende ni jadi phenomena, in 2008 dia pernah nominated for Best Act Ever at the MTV Europe Music Awards. All hail the mighty power of the internet. Oh tapi the funnier and also a bit kesian thing about this phenomena, despite lagu dia sering digunakan sepanjang 2008-2010, he only made $12 from youtube. This is because dalam contract dengan label dia cakap he can only receive "performance shares". So currently today, still unknown brape banyak duit dia dapat sebenarnye. Tapi agak kesian la. Berjuta orang guna lagu kau nak prank orang lain kau dapat $12 je. Kesian doh.

So there you have it. Fun fact of the night. 

Selamat mengRick Roll orang.


Tuesday 12 March 2013

Sayang Apa Khabar Denganmu


By now I'm guessing most of everyone dah tengok video ni kot 

(And in his own words, and I quote : "Inilah penyanyi sebenar lagu Sayang .. Percaya tak percaya lah ~ hahaha)

HAHAHAHAHAHA. Ok puas gelak. Where to begin on this video. Well the guy yang post this video (and I'm guessing that's him in the video as well) is Adnan Othman. Malaysian, I guess. Current views: 125 945, 612 likes and 330 dislikes. Not bad stats. Anyway, basically this fella kan dia nak buat parody lagu Shae - Sayang. And he did it in the most absurdly bapok-est way possible, dengan gaya nya, dengan dancing dia (tapi part last-last tu perasan tak dia dah start penat? LOL). So fine ok the purpose of this video was that dia nak buat parody of the song. And honestly dia berjaya make a lot of us laugh and hit replay beberapa kali. So in terms of making us laugh, I give him/her (I'm not sure) an A++. I mean tipu gak lah kalau tak gelak, despite how bapok gaya dia is dalam video ni. Gaya dia tu mahal. Bak kata membe aku, kalah perempuan. But another thing aku nak share pasal this (Which is also just as funny) is the comments section on this video.

(Taken from the comments section on youtube)

Lepas dah analyze most of the comments, 70% orang cakap part bibir tu paling mahal, headbanging tu macam dah kene sawan and the other 30% tak tahu dia lelaki ke perempuan. Also, aku perasan that a lot of people liked the video sebab they got a good laugh out of it. But the number of haters are just as many. Kata dia bodoh la, memalukan kaum lelaki la, inilah itulah, you know typical stuff. Bukan aku nak try defend dia ke apa tau, tapi why the hate? it's funny, just leave it at that la.

But obviously, we can't leave it like that because sentiasa akan ada orang yang akan cari faults. People do stupid things on the internet all the time, so aku dah at that point where dah tak terkejut dah. For all we know he may not even be bapok in real life. Mana la tau la kan. Point is video ni lawak, and everyone is open to their own opinions. This is mine. And if by some strange reason Adnan Othman is reading this (which is higly unlikely) Don't stop making us laugh. Tapi kalau nampak orang tengah kejar kau dengan kayu, I suggest you run.

Ok tu je bye~